815-886-9522 [email protected]

Plastic Machining

CNC operated machines

We have Computer numerically controlled mills, lathes, and routers with which we can achieve the best quality components at the fastest possible rates. We are continually adding to the current technology and keeping our eyes on the newest technology as it comes to market. By doing this we stay on the leading edge for speed, quality of cut, and precision for our customers.

CNC Capabilities

(62 x 120): We have machine capabilities for large full sheet to small intricate components.

High-speed precision sawing

The cutting process used in the industry, which we achieve thru technology and experience. Our aim for speed and precision can be determined by material, thickness, and saw capabilities. The saw can be automated or hand run by our high quality craftsman to hold dimensions, tolerances, and appearance to the highest standard allowable determined by the material being used.

Gun drilling- (deep holes)

The use of a coolant, specialized drills, and the machine to maintain a deeper longer hole than standard drills of the same diameters.

Precision holes

The capabilities to hold tight tolerances on hole size and location for your needs.

Offline programming

We have the ability to draw and program parts on a computer to allow faster turn around on the machines to keep them running more often to achieve the best possible deadlines. This also allows us to receive prints electronically for most situations.

Tight tolerances

Our capabilities to hold tolerances in materials is only surpassed by the materials capability to hold a tolerance and is always one of our highest concerns.


We currently can offer many fonts for your engraving needs.